There are two different types of pain - acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain is usually a result of an accident or temporary illness and is sometimes referred to as short term pain and goes away as your body heals. Pain that lasts for 3 months or longer is called chronic, persistent, or long-term pain and maybe the result of a medical condition or there may not be an obvious cause. Please note that if you are experiencing pain you are always advised to see your doctor. They will be able to investigate what is causing it and advise you how best to treat it.
Scientific evidence suggests that drugs used to treat chronic pain (called opioids) may reduce pain for some people in the short term. However, after 12 weeks, these drugs are no longer effective for chronic long-term pain and cause a number of side effects. So, what else can you do to help?
Complementary approaches to chronic pain management includes hypnotherapy.
“Hypnosis can reduce pain by up to 42% and may offer a genuine alternative to painkillers, according to UK researchers.” Nursing Times, 23 April, 2019
Within your hypnotherapy sessions some of the techniques used include:
Stress and anxiety are common side effects of pain and can even make the pain feel worse. Helping to reduce stress and change the thought patterns related to pain can therefore make a huge difference to pain perception. When we are mentally relaxed, we become physically relaxed. Hypnotherapy for pain management aims to help you cope with the pain and manage any fear and anxiety you may have relating to your pain. It also helps to reduce stress and relax the nervous system to help it become less reactive to pain.
Hypnotherapy also refocuses your mind away from the pain onto something more pleasant using visualisation techniques e.g. imagine yourself somewhere nice like a beach. Thinking about what the sea looks like the warmth of the sun feel the sand between your toes can help to distract you from the pain.
When we are in pain our bodies usually tense up and this makes things worse continuing the cycle of stress tension fear and pain. Relaxation techniques help to alleviate this. You will receive a FREE relaxation download to help you relax outside the therapy room. Many people say it is an effective tool to use as part of the chronic pain management plan.
I will teach you self-hypnosis and several different relaxation techniques for you to practise so that you can build up your own toolbox of relaxation techniques and coping techniques. When we are in pain relaxing falling asleep can be difficult. Sleep is important to give our minds and our bodies time to recover from the day. Hypnotherapy can also help with relaxation and a restful night’s sleep.
“Caroline is amazing, pain management, loss management, sleep management. She has helped me through some really tough places, cannot say how my life has been turned around by her sessions.” AP (Plymouth)
There are two different types of pain - acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain is usually a result of an accident or temporary illness and is sometimes referred to as short term pain and goes away as your body heals. Pain that lasts for 3 months or longer is called chronic, persistent, or long-term pain and maybe the result of a medical condition or there may not be an obvious cause. Please note that if you are experiencing pain you are always advised to see your doctor. They will be able to investigate what is causing it and advise you how best to treat it.
Scientific evidence suggests that drugs used to treat chronic pain (called opioids) may reduce pain for some people in the short term. However, after 12 weeks, these drugs are no longer effective for chronic long-term pain and cause a number of side effects. So, what else can you do to help?
Complementary approaches to chronic pain management includes hypnotherapy.
“Hypnosis can reduce pain by up to 42% and may offer a genuine alternative to painkillers, according to UK researchers.” Nursing Times, 23 April, 2019
Within your hypnotherapy sessions some of the techniques used include:
- talking therapies – to help to reduce your reaction to pain
- distraction – to help you cope with pain by taking your mind off your discomfort
- looking at the strengths that you have to cope with your pain
- relaxation techniques such as guided imagery - uses direct thoughts to create mental images that may help you to relax, manage anxiety and reduce pain
- hypnosis – uses focused attention to help manage pain
- self-hypnosis – to use at home in everyday life
Stress and anxiety are common side effects of pain and can even make the pain feel worse. Helping to reduce stress and change the thought patterns related to pain can therefore make a huge difference to pain perception. When we are mentally relaxed, we become physically relaxed. Hypnotherapy for pain management aims to help you cope with the pain and manage any fear and anxiety you may have relating to your pain. It also helps to reduce stress and relax the nervous system to help it become less reactive to pain.
Hypnotherapy also refocuses your mind away from the pain onto something more pleasant using visualisation techniques e.g. imagine yourself somewhere nice like a beach. Thinking about what the sea looks like the warmth of the sun feel the sand between your toes can help to distract you from the pain.
When we are in pain our bodies usually tense up and this makes things worse continuing the cycle of stress tension fear and pain. Relaxation techniques help to alleviate this. You will receive a FREE relaxation download to help you relax outside the therapy room. Many people say it is an effective tool to use as part of the chronic pain management plan.
I will teach you self-hypnosis and several different relaxation techniques for you to practise so that you can build up your own toolbox of relaxation techniques and coping techniques. When we are in pain relaxing falling asleep can be difficult. Sleep is important to give our minds and our bodies time to recover from the day. Hypnotherapy can also help with relaxation and a restful night’s sleep.
“Caroline is amazing, pain management, loss management, sleep management. She has helped me through some really tough places, cannot say how my life has been turned around by her sessions.” AP (Plymouth)
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